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Soul Coach and Healer

Eoin Scolard

Trained/qualified in a wide range of modalities, including Transpersonal Counselling, Transformational Cellular Memory, Reiki, IET, Brain Gym, Advanced Healing Techniques - and more.

I was delighted to create Source WellBeing Centre in 2013 so that I could see my clients in a supportive space, and I'm thankful that so many other practitioners now use the same space. I have also (recently) founded HQ-Holistic Intelligence and had my first book published on O-Books. I am passionate about sharing my experience with clients who want to live a deeply fulfilling and nourishing life.

Soul Coaching with me is a deeply transformative process which is all about helping you to create change on the inside and accessing dimensions of possibility that may be new to you. Ultimately my passion is to facilitate absolute clarity, personal empowerment and deep fulfiment.

Soul Coaching with me will help you to become more emotionally aware, raise your level of consciousness, challenge and release limitation thinking, improve your self-esteem, become more assertive, speak your truth - and ultimately, free yourself to lead the life you wish to lead.

I offer tailored packages to help you to access and integrate your natural intuition, resourcefulness and creativity - while also guiding you to the deepest wellspring of your being which is often hidden beneath many layers of outward personality. In the process we work through whatever is hloding you back - fears, limitation thinking, energy blocks, negative imprints, distorted perceptions.

Simply Book in for a Fully Refundable Introductory Session, with no pressure at all, and we'll see how my style suits you - or not!

Advanced Training

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Usual Hours (CET)

  • Wednesday
    Reserved for long term clients
  • Thursday
    All day subject to availability
  • Friday
    Mornings only
  • Saturday
    Mornings only
For emergencies please call or e-mail to make an appointment prior to your visit.

Get in Touch

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